Snap Out of Your Trance!
SNAP out of your trance!
Are you IN-TRANCE?
Trance can be exhibited through half-conscious reaction(s) to stimuli of any kind: family, friends, media, environment, etc.
If you, or someone you know, is in constant rote behavior / phoning it in / auto-pilot / NOT PRESENT, what does it mean??
Our behavior is predominantly a result of our habitual feelings and thoughts:
Lack of Confidence
and more...
Habits, patterns and beliefs have created your life thus far.
Change those 3 and you change your life!
More on this soon....
In the meantime, wake-up, be present, be alive, simply BE and LIVE, LOVE & LAUGH!
Here for your SUCCESS!
Matthew Fallon, CH.t
Photo credit: Photo Extremist via / CC BY-ND