Don't Take This for Granted!
Walking Can Help You Lower Your Blood Pressure And Strengthen Your Heart (Walking - Part Five, final) Walking has all sorts of health...

Walking Part Four: Track it!
Using A Pedometer To Get Your Walking In Setting aside some time to go for a 45 minute walk isn’t always easy. We all live busy lives and...

Walking Part Two: The Many Health Benefits Of Going For A Walk
There are a lot of good reasons to go for a walk. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, and most important it’s good for your health. But what exactly...

Complete Hypnosis Session + Interview!
What a surprise I have for you in this post! On July 18, I was fortunate to be interviewed by the amazing Adena Bannick on her "Meta...

Getting Started with Self-Hypnosis
Have YOU started yet? Today is your day. It's easy and sooo relaxing! You have probably found you have returned to your regular,...

The #1 Secret to Ultimate Relaxation
Relaxation is impossible without letting go, loosening, fully releasing. Releasing is accomplished, first, via the breath. Breath --...